
I'm Matthew. I'm currently a data graphics reporter and science writer at Columbia University. I've previously worked in condensed matter physics and as a radio DJ.

Trump Has Recaptured Cable TV’s Attention
Trump Has Recaptured Cable TV’s Attention

Who's been covered more on cable TV so far this year, Joe Biden or Donald Trump? As it turns out, that depends on which network you watch. [Published in Columbia Journalism Review, 2023]

New York City Council AI Reporter
New York City Council AI Reporter

This AI App ingests New York City Council meeting transcripts, suggests story angles for local reporters to follow up on, and answers questions about what happened during the meeting. [Class Project, 2023]

How Can We Visualize Carbon Footprints?
How Can We Visualize Carbon Footprints?

Numbers that end in a trail of zeros are hard to intuit. This iOS app visceralizes the sizes of carbon emissions associated with several hundred human activities. [Hobby Project, 2022]

Hyperbolic Geometry Has A Bug
Hyperbolic Geometry Has A Bug

A paper I wrote for a math class on how a peculiarity of how hyperbolic spaces transform onto themselves largely preclude them from being used for interactive data visualization. [Class Project, 2021]

Why Is Music So Full Of Dudes?
Why Is Music So Full Of Dudes?

Gender representation in best-of lists and festival lineups is, well, bad. This interactive essay in D3 essay explores the data behind the issue. [Class Project, 2020]

Analyzing Materials, Atom By Atom
Analyzing Materials, Atom By Atom

I used to be a research physicist. I developed techniques for studying strange and exciting materials at atomic resolution. [Research Project, 2018]

Simulating Ferromagnets in C++
Simulating Ferromagnets in C++

This was my final project for a computational physics course where I experienced the joys and horrors of coding in C++. [Class Project, 2018]