On August 9, 2014 Michael Brown Jr. was killed by police in Ferguson, Missouri, sparking nationwide protests against police brutality. In the 10 years since Brown's death, the number of people killed by police each year has not decreased and officers are no more likely to be prosecuted for on-duty killings.
With several underground pop artists breaking out into the mainstream, I collected data on five contemporary pop stars' discography, live shows, and listeners to show how the path to commercial pop success can look different for different artists.
Across the country, the prospect of home ownership is slipping out of reach for the ordinary buyer. Data from Redfin, Freddie Mac, and the Census Beureau show that a median-priced home in the U.S. is no longer affordable for a median-income household.
With extreme heat becoming an ever more common public health concern, the National Weather Service has begun publishing daily heat risk forcasts. I wrote a bash script to scrape each day's forcast and automatically update a choropleth map to display the latest data.
After plummeting during the coronavirus pandemic, air travel has rebounded and hit new highs. After scraping passenger screening data from the TSA website, I applied a 7-day rolling maximum as a way to smooth out weekly fluctuations without distorting the dates or values of record highs.
On June 8, the IDF conducted a raid on the Nuseirat refugee camp, rescuing 4 hostages and killing at least 274 Palestinians. I created this locator map to show the locations of footage of the raid geolocated by NBC's SNG team.
The ammount of electricity generated from coal in the U.S. has steadily fallen since 2008. At the same time, the ammount generated from wind has grown, overtaking coal in March and April of this year.
A Gallup survey found that nearly 1 in 5 LGBTQ+ adults has not come out to their friends or family. However, if and when respondents came out changed depending on when the respondent was born. To illustrate this cohort effect, I used a small multiples bar chart.
Full and accurate information on who made the music you enjoy is surprisingly hard to come by. Here I illustrate just how bad the problem can be, and have an industry expert weigh in on why things are this way.
In 2023, Donald Trump was mentioned more than Joe Biden on CNN and MSNBC, but on Fox News this trend was reversed. I presented this finding in Columbia Journalism Review along with what it might mean for journalists covering the coming election cycle.
While city council and community board meetings are a valuable source of information about local issues, most reporters cannot attend every single one. To address this problem I developed an AI assistant to ingest council meeting transcripts, suggest story angles to pursue, and answer followup questions about what took place.
Numbers can be hard to intuit. As a hobby project during college, I developed an iOS app for visualizing the relative scales of carbon emissions associated with several hundred human activities.
My background is in condensed matter physics. As a researcher, I developed microscopy techniques for studying the atomic structure of materials that exhibit unusual quantum effects.